Merry Marinade: Meal Prep Essentials

There’s an assumption about meal prep that I’d like to clear up now:  chicken or fish every day is not your life - unless you decide that works best for you. I swear you can still be healthy, lose weight, and eat the things you love! Myself and my clients are definitely proof of that!

However, chicken and fish are essential components to any balanced meal plan simply because of all the benefits they offer. Both meats are great sources of protein that genuinely can aid in weight loss.  But, they can get boring by themselves which is why I’ve opted to share two of my all time favorite go-to marinades this week!

Try some of these marinade combos to spice up your chicken and fish and get to prepping!


Marinade Combos

1. Onions, apple cider vinegar, and cumin

2. Rosemary,  lemon, and garlic

*Note:  These can easily be made by using your favorite oil as a base. My favorite is coconut oil.


Marinade Recipes

1. Fajita Mix


- 1/4 cup of lime juice

- 5 garlic cloves minced

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl and cover meat.Let marinate for a minimum of 1 hour but for the best results I suggest overnight! 

2. Garlic and Rosemary

*Note: Before I started #FitXBrit, my trainer (who is a fitness competitor) swore by this combination. Not sure where he got it from, so I can’t give credit to the source, but I swear it never gets old and is AMAZING.


- 1/4 cup water

- 1/4 cup vinegar

- 1/4 cup olive oil

- 2 cloves garlic, minced

- 3/4 tsp dried thyme

- 1 tsp dried Italian style seasoning

- 1 tsp dried rosemary

- 1/2 tsp oregano

- 1/2 tsp sea salt

- 1 tsp ground black pepper

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl and cover meat. Cook immediately. Easy peezy!


While this is a great start as you transition to a healthy living lifestyle, #FitXBrit can help create a personalized custom approach to meet the desires of your household and your specific dietary needs. All you have to do is shoot an email to info@FitXBrit for more information!

Brittany Giles