Homemade Almond Milk
Photo by chuttersnap
Almond Milk
1 cup raw almonds, soaked overnight in cool water (or 1-2 hours in very hot water)
5 cups filtered water (less to thicken it, more to thin out)
¼ tsp natural sea salt
Optional: to sweeten it add 2 dates pitted
Add your soaked almonds, water, salt and dates (if desired) to a high-speed blender (such as a Vita-Mixer). Blend until creamy and smooth, then run an extra 2 minutes to be sure it is well blended.
Strain using a thin clean dish towel over a mixing bowl. Lay the towel over the mixing bowl, pour over the almond milk, carefully gather the corners and lift up. Then squeeze until all of the liquid is extracted. Compost pulp (or save for baking).
Transfer milk to a jar and refrigerate. It will keep for a few days. Shake well before drinking or using, as it tends to separate.