The Essential Equipment You Need To Play Pickleball

Pickleball is a sport that combines the core elements of badminton, tennis, and ping-pong and is excellent for everyone to play. Kids and adults can get out on the court and pick up this sport easily. Here is the essential equipment you need to play pickleball.

Effective Shoes

Pickleball involves a lot of running, quick turns, and sharp movements. To be as agile as possible while staying safe, you will need proper pickleball shoes. Styles vary for outdoor and indoor use, as both will need to grip surfaces differently. Indoor pickleball shoes have excellent mobility and grip. Alternatively, outdoor shoes are more shock-absorbent and cushion the player when running and jumping.  

Standard tennis shoes are a great alternative for players testing the game, but you should purchase proper shoes when you decide to commit to the game. These shoes will help you move and protect your body—a small investment in the right pair of shoes is preferable to a sprained ankle.

Protective Eyewear

In a sport where balls can go cruising at over 40 miles per hour, you must have good protective eyewear. In any sport where things are flying around, you are likely to get hit, and one of the last places you want to take a hit is your eyes. Pickleball is no different, but thankfully there are many different options for eyewear. Some have wrap-around frames or straps to stay on your face, some come tinted to protect against the sun, and some have an anti-fog lens coating. If you wear eyewear, be sure you don't hinder your vision, as being able to see the ball is critical.  

Correct Paddles

The most crucial equipment that you will need to play pickleball is a pickleball paddle. The sport is unique compared to similar sports, like tennis and ping-pong, because while the rules are somewhat similar, the game is played very differently. Instead of a racket, you will use a large paddle; and like other sports, there are many different designs and varying weights. Playing pickleball with anything other than the proper paddle is akin to cooking with a toothbrush.

Now that you know the essential equipment you need to play pickleball, don’t be afraid to get out on the court and try it! It’s a fun sport that can include the whole family, but it is also one to immerse yourself in if you want to become a pickleball pro.


Brittany Giles