Why You Should Stretch Before Exercising

Our bodies become less agile as we age, and we begin to see signs of how we walk, sit, and rest over time. To combat our constantly aging muscles, we need to stretch; this keeps us limber, and helps our joints retain flexibility even into old age. We should stretch as much as possible especially before we exercise.

Extended Flexibility

As you exercise, you may notice a tightness in your muscles that hinders your movements. As we grow older, it becomes difficult to move with ease in our daily activities. We begin to feel more tired earlier in the day and become sorer from activities that don't require much energy. Frequently stretching will help our bodies stay flexible and allow us to move with ease.

To prevent your workout from being impeded by stiff muscles, you should stretch before exercising. The blood flow to the muscles currently in use will increase, and the stress that the muscles endure will cause less strain because of the extra blood circulating through them.

Faster Recovery

Whenever we injure ourselves from a fall or an accidental bump into a wall, we damage a part of our bodies. The body repairs itself with oxygen from our lungs and the pumped blood from our heart. Stretching and exercise will increase our healing properties.

As we stretch, we cause the veins in our bodies to open more, allowing more blood to circulate. Combining the increased circulation with the faster blood flow we gain from exercise passes more oxygen through the body, which will heal our bodies with more efficiency.

Decreased Chance of Cramping

Cramping is a horrible feeling that no one wants to feel. While exercising, our bodies will occasionally cramp from overuse. To prevent your muscles from cramping and keep your body moving, you should stretch before exercising.

As you stretch, your blood begins to flow faster, and your muscles warm up for the physical activity. This preparedness will maintain the muscle's ability to handle stress throughout the workout and keep you safe while working out by preventing cramps while lifting weights.

Improved Endurance

As the number of tasks within a day increases, we lose more energy for self-care activities such as exercise. The body's fatigue results from a lack of nutrients passing through our system and into our muscles. 

By stretching, we move the blood through our body faster to give our muscles the energy they will burn when we work out. The expansion of the veins will increase the amount of energy we receive and will keep our bodies solid and enduring.

The use of stretching before exercising will benefit the body for some time. Exercise is excellent for the body, but when combined with the valuable services of stretching, the effects will have twice the results.

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