Au Revoir April
I don’t know what is going on with 2016 and, yes, I feel like a broken record but - the year is going by so fast! For me, April was a slow start but with the passing of music ICON Prince, the NFL Draft, Drake’s release of ‘Views’ (which I haven’t heard, but literally had the internet going crazy), Wanderlust, the launch of Beyonce’s new activewear line and visual album ‘Lemonade’; the month ended with a whirlwind of surprises that genuinely left me on an emotional rollercoaster!
If I had to sum up April in one word, I would have to take a cue from Bey herself and deem this month, a month of APATHY.
I personally have spent the bulk of 2016 in what I like to call “discovery mode.” Trying to “find” myself, not sure if I have even really “lost” myself or if I am just transitioning into another season, another chapter or, to be quite honest, a whole new person. I feel like I have always been someone that people would consider blunt but recently I have taken being “unapologetically me” to a whole other level and it’s been quite liberating, to be honest.
I’m either really emotional and invested in the things that I am choosing to invest my time in (I literally found myself in tears at Buffalo Wild Wings 48 hrs ago, while having a conversation about the responsibilities of parenting and the childhood obesity epidemic - more on that later...) or totally uninterested. There is no in-between.
Image: Tumblr attackoneyebrows
After an amazing #NoMeatMarch I fell off the wagon in April, guys! While I was drinking my green smoothie everyday for the #FXBGREENSMOOTHIE challenge, I did not meal prep once this month! I woke up and worked out 3-4 times a week but I wasn’t committed in my actions AT ALL. I really felt like I was just going through the motions. I ordered Papa John’s 4 times (veggie pizza, but still) and I had soda at least once a week. If that wasn’t enough, the kids I teach kept bringing donuts and candy to school and if they offered, I definitely wasn’t quick to say no! My weight is the same as when I started the month but my body fat percentage and the way I feel internally can be summed up in one word: YUCKY! The only day that I can recall that I was really good to my body was April 16, 2016 when I ran (not walked) in my first 5k.
“Your abilities as a meditator gradually build on each other. Just as you have to learn to walk before you can run, you must move through the stages in order.”
I would definitely consider myself a novice in the art of meditation, but the practice is really bringing stability and consciousness into my daily routine. I’m happy to report that this month I reached Stage 2 of the 10 Stages Of Meditation! Yay me!
Stage One: Establishing a Practice
Stage Two: Interrupted Attention and Overcoming Mind-Wandering
I owe achieving this stage primarily to the two classes/sessions that I took at Wanderlust with Noah Levine and LifePower instructor Latasha. I’m pretty darn proud of myself, guys!
Now, I’m ending the month with awareness and a desire to get back on track! In fact, as I type this I am getting geared up to attend The W Dallas and Grit Fitness Cardio and Cocktails event! I will not let this April setback defeat me! I may just need a little bit more assistance in the accountability department.
How did April treat you? In what ways did you grow?