Perception vs. Reality
I know that I am not the only one that can get caught up with focusing in on other’s highlight reel and letting that get the best of me, am I? Once I started realizing that I may myself be part of the problem, I made myself accountable of doing better.
Thanks to my amazing photographer Erik Escobedo (give him a follow, book him, and let him change your life) and Juan Carlos Puebla of 52nd Witness I am able to showcase curated images of me doing the things I love the most which include being a mommy to the most amazing two year old ever, growing my mind, challenging my body to do new things, and developing my soul. I can share tips, encouragement, and my truth in each post but I still run into people that are making statements like “you have it all together,” and I am like “umm...that’s what you think and you are wrong on so many levels.” I mean, I am proud of the steps I am making but having it all together? Far from it.
So, with the help of “live” social media I have been able to showcase what is really going on in my life in a more authentic way and the response and thanks that I have gotten from people who sometimes get overwhelmed or tired of seeing people’s perfection all of the time has been such a blessing to my growth. Little did I know that the same insecurities that I suffer from at times - feeling that I am not doing enough based off of what I see via social media - people were having those same thoughts and feelings in response to me and what I was posting. When you know better you do better.
With that, I want to share with you a couple of snaps from a recent workout with the ladies from the Dallas Fitness Ambassadors at Vital Fitness Studio located in Dallas. Now we knew there was a camera in the room, we knew to smile when at all possible, but the truth is that workout was intense, it kicked my butt, and I definitely want to experience it again. I took a spin class immediately followed by a HIIT workout. So here you go.
What you think I look like when working out……..
Image Erik Escobedo
What actually goes down……..
Images Dallas Fitness Ambassadors
You can use code FREE2 to get a chance to experience Vital Fitness Studio for yourself.
What are some insecurities that you suffer from and how do you plan on changing the game in 2017? Share in the comments below.