Renewal and Reflection: Mindfulness at Triple S Ranch


It’s been roughly a month since we packed up and made the trek to Napa Valley for a girl’s only winedown weekend that was, in hindsight, something we all really needed.  For me, this trip was everything a retreat in wine country should be and was marked by some pretty amazing experiences and even a beyond breathtaking grand tour of our home for the weekend at Triple S Ranch.  

While wine tours and sunset cruises through hill country were both pretty therapeutic for our small group, it was the time spent in mindful exercise that really made our time at Triple S Ranch less of a trip and more of an unforgettable experience.  

With the help of Affirm on the Go creator and creative I’sha Gaines, we spent an amazing evening inside I’sha’s Merlot cabin with sheets of paper and a variety of exercises designed to help us remember something pretty insightful: frustration can not only be a good thing but, it can actually lead you to significant change.

Our cabins at Triple S Ranch set the perfect stage for this introspective pow wow and all of us were eager to really dive into a night of mindfulness.  We started with a manifestation reminder dubbed, “My Great Day…”. With just a pen and paper, we were asked to envision our perfect day in the our future. Anything we saw, anything we desired, anything that we’d been dreaming about - it was all fair game. We simply had to write what we saw in our minds.  It’s amazing how something so simple, with just a pen and a piece of paper, can help usher in a new sense of awareness.  For me, it was a reminder not to get stuck in thinking that life as it is is how it will always be. Dreaming, desiring, and praying big is necessary to manifest your best life.  And, putting it all down on paper was probably the best way to make it real.

Our last activity was all about getting REALLY honest.  Thankfully, we had a few bottles of wine courtesy of our hosts at Triple S Ranch to help sooth any apprehensions.  The goal: use small post its to list and literally corner the things in your life that are light/bringing joy and the things in your life that are heavy/weighing you down.  Then, using the post-its below, we were asked to insert an action that we could take to combat and eliminate the heavy items we’d written. I don’t know about everyone else but, this was absolutely necessary for me.  Very rarely do we truly realize how much we’re holding onto until we’re forced to face it head on. This simple exercise was the catalyst that brought forward such an equally simple revelation: I don’t like this and this is what I’m going to do to change it.

All in all, our trip to Calistoga set a bar for girl’s trips. Some of us probably weren’t expecting to find so much growth in one weekend but, that’s the thing about going to places that bring out the best in you: you can’t help but appreciate every minute.

Many thanks to Triple S Ranch for supplying the perfect backdrop to our much needed reflection and renewal weekend.