We Always Have A Choice: Letting Go Of The "Victim" Role


This week, I had a really mind-altering realization about processing the intentions of other people. There are so many times that we find ourselves feeling used or manipulated. Do you ever get the feeling that the world is out to get you, and that you need to create a safety bubble around yourself?

I USED to feel like that...like I always had to protect myself from 'energy vampires' but after tons of growth and internal work- slowly but surely, I've been operating from a place of empathy rather than fear. I make the conscious choice each and every day to see the best in people until they show me differently. A conscious decision to emit the light and love I wished to see in them. It's a trick of the mind...we've got to catch ourselves when those fear-based thoughts start to seep in.

My change in perception also came with changing my environment. When I was at my 'darkest' energetically, I was surrounding myself with people who only loved me based on specific terms and conditions. I was surrounding myself with people who were escapists and generally self-harming. I had to commit to making substantial changes to my life until it reflected the exact opposite of my surroundings. Now, I surround myself with people who are ambitious, kind, confident, healthy, happy! We are never victims of circumstance...we always have a choice. This is your reminder to choose YOU!

Here's a little closing exercise for you (fill in the blanks): 

I feel this way because of _____ and I choose to do this about it_____.