Turn Up For What? Why Staying In is Better Than Going Out

With the conveniences that come with Netflix, Hulu, and social media you can just as easily be connected with the outside world from the confinements of your home and with current circumstance I am learning that I am not the only one that feel this way. So many have been swarming my dm’s commenting on their disappointment in their friends that just couldn’t stay indoors this past weekend. Prior to this outbreak research shows that there was a growing number of millennials that were finding comfort indoors versus going out on the town. But, why?

Saving Coins Is Sexy

It is really hard to go out these days and not drop a minimum of $100 bucks! I mean, from the Ubers, to the rounds for friends, the new outfit (because how dare we go out in anything that we have already been photographed in), going out can be pretty expensive! I don’t know about you but having money in the bank and making sure my credit is on point, has become a serious priority and has caused clubs, unproductive traveling, and bar hopping to take a back seat. Now, I find myself getting excited about social media challenges that encourage me to save $5,000 in one years time and apps like Acorn which will take your loose change and turn it into big savings - and all you have to do is get your download on. That, to me, screams “SEXY!”

Convenience Is In The Palm Of Your Hand

That nice gourmet dinner that you are craving, that guy/girl that you are hoping to bump into, that new movie that just hit the theaters can all be delivered to your house. Convenience reigns supreme guys! Sometimes it is sad, but it’s true. For a fraction of the cost you can not only enjoy but also learn how to cook that gourmet meal by using services like Sun Basket which will provide you with all the ingredients and the directions to create a cozy, fancy dinner for two delivered right to your doorstep. Don’t want to do the work? Well you have Uber Eats, Door Dash, and a host of other apps that will deliver your restaurant faves in an hour or less. Dating has changed on so many levels and you can easily slide into your love interest’s DM’s (direct messages), download an app and slide left or right. Have a Fire Stick, Netflix, or Hulu? The options are endless! No more paying $50 plus for a movie, you can get all of the perks of a night out at home.

Being Intentional With Your Time Is A Priority

Clubs are just a bit too impersonal. Despite the fact that we are a generation that spends a majority of our time staring at a cell phone screen, yelling in a crowded room in uncomfortable clothes - only to find yourself at home, tired and smelling like smoke is just not as appealing as it once was. Been there, done that, over it. Basically. Now, I am opting for intimate settings where I can meet up with people face-to-face and have real conversations with people I value or people I’d like to get to know. Since we’re all seemingly more busy these days, when you do step away from your technology for some human interaction you kind of want it to be for a real purpose. Am I right? Connecting with the people and things that we hold close to our hearts requires us to be intentional with our time. Given our current state of quarantine I am also utilizing daily face time chats, Zoom calls, and my favorite hands down is hosting Netflix Parties!

You’ve Got To Pay The Cost To Be The Boss

Millennials have been credited with being a group of entrepreneurs and go-getters. Many of us have a passion that is generating into a paycheck in some way, shape or form. But these businesses and side hustles don’t build themselves. Building something of your own requires a heck of a lot of sacrifice and even more work. So opting for work dates with your friends ( virtual work dates are the new wave) can be a fun and productive way to get some interaction and get shit done. I live by these and they have really allowed my brand and friendships to flourish. Swapping the wine for a nice soy chai tea latte can make all the difference and it’s a great way to have an objective ear to bounce ideas off of. Plus,and this is a big bonus, you can find a much needed accountability partner to keep you on track in between laughs and recapping on the latest episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

So, what’s the verdict? Would you rather spend your free time in the streets with drinks and a great DJ, or do you find your peace at home with a good book, or friends?  Other than the occasional scene hop (which includes celebrating birthdays and big accomplishments - I am not a complete hermits guys!) I prefer a night in - I can’t be the only ones, can we?  Let me know in the comments below!


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