Feeding The Next Generation with Snack Nation
The reality is that we are a society that is geared towards things of convenience. In some cases that is a good thing and in other circumstances it can be not so good, but more on that another day. Today, we focus on the positive! Subscription box services have become all the rave, allowing people to be introduced to new things in an easy and convenient way, with all types of goodies being delivered directly to your doorstep or to your business.
Imagine my excitement when I was presented with the opportunity to try out Snack Nation a subscription service that provides healthy snack alternatives at a reasonable cost and in a convenient way. Although the services are geared toward businesses and offices of any size, they also offer plans that focus on home delivery as well.
After sharing a couple snacks with Peyton, I knew exactly who could benefit from my amazing mail day…..my kiddos. For those of you new to FitXBrit, I am a full time government and student leadership teacher at a local high school and I often times find myself preaching the values and methods that I instill to my blog audience to my kids. Working in a urban school district, most of my students are not exposed to healthy nutritional values and by the time they get to me as seniors, most would think it is too late. But not me.
With growing childhood obesity rates, I think that it is essential that kids are introduced at a young age of the benefits of food and how we can utilize food as medicine. However, the reality is that fresh fruits and veggies may not always be their go-to options so, label reading and creating alternative choices to meet the needs of the next generation is definitely a goal of mine. Contrary to popular belief, everything SHOULD NOT be bigger in Texas.
“Texas ranks sixth among states in rates of childhood obesity. ... Nationwide, nearly 33 percent of children and adolescents are overweight or obese, 16.3 percent (one in six) of children and adolescents are obese, and 11.3 percent are very obese.”
With a bit of hesitancy (but overall acceptance) I had my first period try out some of the snacks sent in this month’s box. The most unique option that ended up being a hit was the Teriyaki Seaweed. I’m personally a regular seaweed eater and Peyton loves it too but, it definitely took some coaxing on my part. The result? “Hey this isn’t so bad, Miss.” Now, do I think they would go out and buy it on their own? Probably not. But, there were some other options included that will definitely replace the normal candy bars that they usually bring into class and for that I say, “THANK YOU Snacknation!” We absolutely can not wait to see the options for next month!
Want to enjoy your first SnackNation box and get it delivered straight to your home for FREE?!
Please Note: The products mentioned in this post were sponsored. All comments about these product are my own and I have and will always remain transparent about my opinions. I will not endorse any products that I would not and do not use in my own household.