Finding Your Divine Purpose: Self Awareness and Inner Healing
Do you believe that you have a particular purpose in life? Most people, when asked this question, answer with a confident, "yes." However, when asked to describe your purpose, most people tend to get quiet. If you do know your purpose, you are an exception in the crowd. If you live your purpose, you are an exception in the world. Many people know that they have a special purpose, but rarely is that purpose known - and even more rarely is it lived. What we fail to realize and fully accept is that without doing the work that results in inner healing and self-awareness, we are creating roadblocks to our growth.
Inner Healing Takes Work
Something happens, and we get triggered.
An energetic nerve gets touched, and before the body even has a chance to feel - the mind comes in and says, "I'll take care of this." To avoid pain or discomfort, the soul either: intellectualizes the experience to occupy itself with analyzing instead of FEELING, or it quickly distracts us with social media, food, drinking, etc. Rather than processing the emotions and moving through any discomfort, we suppress them and store the issues in the tissues. We shut off the one-way street called "Feeling" - and unknowingly numb ourselves to the beautiful emotions and sensations in life.
Trapped emotions are the cause of everything in our life that is keeping us from our highest potential.
In our world's tendency to stay away from discomfort, we suppress and trap the unfelt pain and the energy of emotions in our cells. To heal it, we have to feel it. And negative thinking and feelings are the clues that shine a light on what you need to heal. They are invitations to release patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. Comparison romantically, procrastination vocationally, self-doubt in your capability - whatever is showing up in your life, that's your work now. And it will keep showing up until you decide you want to graduate from the lesson.
Inner healing is just like a detox.
Things have to come up to be released. So once you ask for healing, expect your unhealed places to be forced to the surface. And the quickest vehicles for spiritual detoxification and growth are our relationships. All our neuroses, our triggers, our dysfunctional patterns, and our fearful thoughts come to the forefront in relationships. They are the divine assignments that bring our unhealed places into the spotlight of conscious awareness.