3 Ways To De-Stress Our Bodies

Have you ever experienced an achy feeling as if you had just completed a total body work out but have no idea why? I had that exact experience last week, and since I hadn't done not a single workout, it really caused me to think about the stress we're holding in our bodies and why. How does it happen and, most importantly, how do we de-stress our bodies and recognize when we're starting to experience overwhelming emotions? Can you relate? Get a glimpse at how I am releasing stress and why it's imperative for you to do the same.

Our bodies are so wise, and they are always speaking to us. It is up to us to listen to them. That is a key to owning our wellness- Margarita Alcantara

So Why Do We Hold Stress In Our Bodies?

Most of the time it is done subconsciously. So many of us are just focused on making it through the day that we take things away without dealing with them and it manifests itself in ways that ultimately cause stress. Can you believe that sometimes we do it intentionally? Think of that “thing” you did, that you are ashamed of. Stress is a way of punishing ourselves for the things we have yet to forgive ourselves for. I, for one, am guilty of this at times. When you are literally “carrying” all of these negative emotions that you just do not know how to let go of and move past, you are manifesting stress and it has to live somewhere.  The home inevitably becomes your body.

What Evidence Is There Of Stress In Our Bodies? In What Ways Does It Manifest?

  1. Back Pain

  2. Neck Pain

  3. Shoulder Pain

  4. Digestive Issues

  5. Respiratory Issues

How Can We Release Stress From Our Bodies?


Yoga is a way for our bodies to operate in a way that it doesn’t normally function on a daily basis. Releasing tension and focusing on our breaths and each movement is the perfect way to decompress.


This technique derives from the Chinese and has been credited to having effects that traditional medicine just can’t compete with. Acupuncture is known to release endorphins and these endorphins ultimately help to release pain that may have derived from all of the stress that our body naturally carries with us according to Dr. Wiel.

Positive Movement

This can look like doing your favorite dance sequence while jumping in the bed, channeling your inner Meredith and Christina or engaging in your favorite physical activity. The point being to get moving and get active! There is a certain release that is associated with movement that can really heal or body’s stress levels.

Ultimately letting go of stress, negativity, and emotional pain gives us the feels because it creates a focus on love and all of the positive things we're trying to do with our lives! What are some ways you de-stress?