Tips To Improve Your Athletic Performance


Is it time to get into shape? If so, you need to take some steps to increase your skill as an athlete. Luckily, experts have made many strides in recent years to pinpoint how to improve strength, dexterity, and lung capacity. Here are our top tips to improve your athletic performance.  

Vary Your Workouts 

If you want to become a well-rounded athlete, you'll need a lot of workout variety. You can’t solely focus on strength training nor cardio; instead, utilize both to hit all areas of athleticism. This means combining cardio with resistance training. Do cardio first to improve endurance and weights to gain muscle.

Pro Tip

Try mixing up your workouts every three weeks. If you've been focusing on the treadmill, try the exercise bike. By mixing up your workout, it stays fun and ensures you’re always targeting different parts of the body.  

Measure Your Performance   

You won't know if you're improving or not if you don't monitor your progress. Luckily, we're in the age of athletic technology. There are step counters, fitness watches, metric apps, and so much more. These tools will help you further refine your performance. Not only that, but they'll help you identify your essential areas for improvement.  

For professional help, consider seeing a sports medicine doctor, as they can help monitor your progress and build strength in a healthy timeframe. Additionally, an expert may have recommendations or exercises you wouldn’t otherwise consider. 

Prioritize Proper Hydration  

Even if you're exercising indoors, your body will lose fluids from sweating, so remember to stay hydrated and refuel those electrolytes. Dehydration and low electrolytes are dangerous to your health. To keep your body healthy, strive to drink at least 20 to 40 ounces of water per workout and replenish electrolytes.

Give Yourself Enough Time To Recover 

The final tip to improve your athletic performance is to take break days. Lots of athletes have trouble with pushing themselves too hard. The problem is, overworking your body won't result in gains. Instead, you'll hold yourself back because your body hasn't recovered. This could also lead to sports-related injuries, as muscles are more likely to tear if you overexert. 

Remember, rest days allow your muscles to recover, especially if you focus on resistance training. Make sure to stay hydrated, monitor your performance, vary your workouts, and get plenty of rest.  

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