Age Is Just A Number
The old saying that "age is just a number" is true, but as an aging runner, it's time to tweak your training plan to prevent injury. When I started my running journey six years ago, I basically laced up my shoes and hit the pavement, no before or after stretching, but I was consistently following my strength training routines, and hot yoga classes. Up until about two years ago, this worked, but now, at age 49, I'm experiencing a few more aches and pains. It's not time to hang up my running shoes, but after doing a little research, I found that there are a few things that I need to do.
Lift Heavy
To prevent the loss of muscle size and strength, you need to put down the baby weights (5, 8, 10, or 15 lbs.) and pick up those heavyweights. For years I've been training under the premise of low weight and high reps to achieve my fitness goal. As I approach 50, I have to throw that notion out the window and think heavy weights and low reps. This combination will help me improve resilience in my connective tissues and keep me injury-free.
High Intense Workouts
For years my favorite mileage has been 13.1, but lately, I'm leaning more towards a 10k or 15k. With this in mind, I shouldn't obsess with the long runs but focus more on high-intensity training like tempo, speed, or hill work. I should also add in HILT workouts to boost my endurance, reduce my body fat (which increases with age), and raise my VO2max.
Listen to Your Body
Listening to your body is the hardest step. Most runners (this includes me) are so focused on their prescribed training plan that they are willing to train or run the race by any means necessary. If you want to run for years to come, listen to your body! If your body says rest then rest, if it says decrease your mileage then decrease the distance even if it means don't race, then sit that one out. The point is to love your body so you can run for many years to come.
My age is increasing but my love for running isn’t decreasing and with these new additions to my routine I will be running more miles for years to come.
Next stop, Hot Chocolate 15k (Dallas)