How’s Your Form?
For the past few months, I have had the opportunity to receive curated training from the Lifelong Endurance Coaches. Although the program is curated (online), the coaches are very hands-on, which has caused me to be more focused on the fundamental aspect of running, such as my running form. The old saying that pictures are worth a thousand words rings true for race photos because I notice how bad my form is, which causes injury, lack of energy, and a slower pace. It’s time for a body check.
The problem that I have is that I often look slightly down while running. To correct this, I should keep my head level, my eyes looking straight ahead, and my chin should be loose.
I’m not sure what happens with my arms; it is as if they have a mind of their own. Sometimes my shoulders are hunched up to my ears, and my arms are swinging across my body. But I also notice that sometimes they are driving front to back. The second position is correct. My shoulders should be loose, and my arms should drive front to back.
My feet are shuffling when I run, which is a no-no. What I should be doing is hitting the ground lightly with the middle of my foot and being my heels up towards my butt.
I know this seems like a lot to correct during a single run, so I’ve decided to focus on one area per week ( 5-6 runs). Do you have some areas you need to adjust? If so, I would love to hear your plan in the comments.
Next stop, Irving Marathon